Thursday, April 26, 2007

April 26 Bonitos are Chewing

After 3 straight weeks at Hatteras I was glad to sail out of Beaufort Inlet this morning and I was greeted by wave after wave of hungry fish! First stop off Atlantic Beach was covered with Bluefish and I probably caught 25 and kept 10 for the frying pan. All of these Bluefish were from 1 to 2 pounds each. Next up was an epic Atlantic Bonito bite. In an hour's time, I hooked 10. I pulled off 1, broke off 2, let swim off 3, and boxed 4! These fish ranged from 3 to 5 pounds each and were superb fighters on light tackle.

After searching to the east for a Chopper Bluefish to no avail, I finally ended up on the Shoals at Cape Lookout and released 2 Red Drum at 30" and 33".

It was also a great day for viewing Ocean life. I had close encounters with a Basking Shark, 4 Ocean Sunfish, and 3 Leatherback Turtles!

I'm open for charter on April 28, 29, and 30. Let's go Bonito fishing for $200!

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