Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23 No Cobias Today

A year ago today, we caught a 92 pound Cobia and a pile of Big Bluefish. Bait was everywhere. Today there is little or no bait and as far as I know there were ZERO Cobias caught from Beaufort Inlet to the Shoals at Cape Lookout. I don't claim to know everything, so I'd guess that somebody caught a Cobia somewhere, but it wasn't by anyone near me or anyone in my "Cobia Network". ***Update--I heard of 2 Cobia caught late in the afternoon in BFT Inlet*** Anyway, Matt Keane and his Dad and Brother fished with me this morning on a half day trip and I think everybody caught a Sharpnose Shark, Matt caught a 15 lb. Bullnose Ray and a nice Bluefish. We had a couple of Choppers chase the top water baits unsuccessfully. Finally we sight casted live crabs to varoius sized Sheepsheads, up to 10 pounds, in way too much wind and current. Once again, we were unsuccessful. Too much wind, clouds, and chop vs. groundswell for Ideal Cobia Sight Casting Conditions. Tough fishing!!

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