Monday, June 2, 2008

May 30 Diamond Shoals Tower and Cobias

I picked a terrible day to leave the camera at home! David Rose and I went out looking for Cobia and we found 6 of them. However, for a variety of reasons, most of them gave us the slip! When the day was done, we had a much better time casting top water plugs to the 1000+ Amberjacks that called Diamond Shoals Lighttower home. By the end of the day we had caught 6 Amberjacks up to 25 pounds, 4 Triggerfish, 15 Black Sea Bass, and tossed back a pair of undersized Cobias. We saw 4 additional Cobias including a 60+ pounder on the Hesperides that looked real hard but would not bite! Other than that we saw Ocean Sunfish, and lots of Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel. The Amberjack fishing was incredibly exciting because on nearly every cast there would be dozens of Jacks in a complete frenzy around the plug until one of them finally got hooked. The view from the tower was awesome!

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