Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aug 14 Spadefish, Blue Runners, and Bluefish

Good News. The Spadefish are finally acting like Spadefish. They are aggressively attacking jellyfish on the surface and when these conditions occur, they are easy to catch. That was the case today. I caught 13 Spadefish, released 11 and kept 2 for the table. The keepers were 4 and 5 pounders. I released some bigger and some smaller. They are great fighters. I also caught 10 Bluefish in the 3 lb. class. I also caught 2 nice sized Blue Runners in the 3 lb. class and a Spottail Pinfish. I saw Tarpon and Sand Tigers today and was unsuccessful in my attempts to catch them. There appears to be a resident group of Tarpon on the shoals at Cape Lookout this summer. I saw them today and Tuesday and I saw them in June. I need to figure out a plan of attack! Total for the day was 13 Spadefish, 2 Blue Runners, and 10 Bluefish.

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