Monday, August 4, 2008

Aug 4 Sheepsheads, Jumping Mullets, and Squid

This tour of duty at Cape Hatteras got off to a very "fishy" start. Fishing the late night falling tide usually ain't to good. Last night was a little different. First up was 18 Loligo Squid from the Hatteras side. Then came 4 Sheepsheads out of 7 bites in pitch darkness from the Ocracoke side. I thought that was impossible. I was wrong again. These Sheepsheads weighed 7 lb. 9 oz., 6 lb. 10 oz., 6 lb. 3 oz., and 2 lb. 8 oz. Finally, I tossed my cast net on a school of Jumping Mullet and caught 8 that averaged 3 lb.s each.

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