Friday, September 12, 2008

Sept 12 The RED DRUM Motherlode and the Albacore Show Up

Ryan and Chris fished on a huge school of Red Drum today. I've been fishing on a nice school for a couple of weeks, but today we decided to look in another spot. Good call Chris! We found a huge school of Fish. After we hit them for a triple header, the school broke into 3 parts and each school was 5 times bigger than the school I'd been hammering. After catching 9 Red Drum (3 each), we went looking for something else and we found a few schools of Albacore and Spanish Mackerel. We each caught an Albacore and we each caught a few Spanish Mackerel. Then it was back to the Drum and we found them right where we left them. Chris caught 3 more Red Drum, including a smoking 34" Red Drum that weighed over 14 pounds. Ryan got 2 more Red Drum. Final Tally for the day was 14 Red Drum, 3 Albacore, and 8 Spanish Mackerel.

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