Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct 13 Flounders and Bluefish

Back to Hatteras today for me and after watching it rain and blow all week, I was determined to go fishing. Here is what I found in 3 hours of fishing this afternoon. Bluefish were in a frenzy in Beaufort Inlet and I stopped and joined a small fleet for some fast action. In 40 minutes I probably caught 50 on metal. Then it was to the west to try for a Flounder. I chose Flounder over searching the suds for Red Drum because I had around 10 dozen nice finger mullets in my livewell that I'd held hostage since Thursday. I wouldn't say it was great, but it was okay. I caught 5 and 3 of them were 20". I also lost a "big one". I also managed to pull a big, nasty Conger Eel out of his lair. Final tally for the day: 5 Flounder, 50 Bluefish, 1 Conger Eel, and 2 Oyster Toadfish.

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