Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nov 23 Speckled Trout and Tautog

Fishing was very interesting today. This morning, in the dark, the Speckled Trout were biting and we didn't have to go far from home! A nice 20 fish limit of 2-3 pounders with only a few small ones mixed in. These fish were hammering white jerk shad in 18 feet of water. Thanks for the ride Tracy, it's always nice for me to jump on somebody else's Boat...... I was back to the ramp by 7am and then came the frustrations of round #2. After I picked Marcus R up and we loaded the boat with live shrimp, we were set for a "Sow Trout" killing! Our first stop was where we left them biting this morning, but the tide had changed, the current was ripping, and the fleet was there. After wasting 10 minutes, we decided to "head east". On the way to Cape Lookout, however, we decided to check the Beach to see if we could find a school of Red Drum. What we found was staggering and utterly disappointing. School after school of 4-8 pound Speckled Trout in crystal clear water that would not bite. Not even a live shrimp. Thousands of Trout. School after school. The netters were having a field day while our baits went un-touched..... Later in the day, we managed to catch quite a few much smaller Speckled Trout at Cape Lookout and Radio Island, but the shock of seeing all those huge Trout never left our thoughts. Marc and I also caught lots of small Tautog, including my first ever. In the end, the keeping a small Tautog cursed us and we ran out of luck after we had caught 11 Speckled Trout in the 17" to 18" range. Total Catch for the Day: 45 Speckled Trout up to 20", 6 Tautog, 1 Red Drum, and 1 Black Sea Bass.

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