Friday, December 5, 2008

Dec 5 Radio Island Fishing

I made the walk today out to the end of Radio Island. I stayed probably 2 hours. I only made about 20 casts. I never had a bite. However, I was completely entertained. There was a 14 year old dude out there named Alec Burrow, who lives in Beaufort, and I predict that he will be a fishing force to be reckoned with in the coming years. This guy is obsessed with fishing. Today he was after Tautog and he was doing okay! Small Sheepsheads and decent Tautogs were biting on baby stone crabs and shrimp. My Total Catch for the Day: NOTHING.


  1. Nice website, Marty. Good to meet you (again) on Friday. Taking the day off to watch football today, but I'll be back after the fish on Monday.

    Sure i'll run into you again sometime.


  2. Back to Hatteras for me tommorrow. Maybe I can catch up with you guys when I get home on the 17th. Good Fishing until then. Hopefully your next cast will be a 5 pounder!

