Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feb 26 Great Red Drum Fishing

Too much Largemouth Bass fishing for me lately! So with a great weather window, Chris and I went to the East this morning on a mission to find some Red Drum. The Ocean was beautiful and we found what we were looking for too! We worked over a school of Red Drum for a couple of hours and when we moved on, Chris and I had caught 5 Red Drum each. All these Red Drum were between 22" and 26" and were fat and healthy. We also caught Sheepsheads, Hogfish, Black Sea Bass, and Spiny Dogfish off a nearby wreck. The Black Sea Bass weren't real plentiful, but they were nice ones from 15" to 16". The Horn Dogs were all pregnant females at 10-12 pounds. On the way home we were treated to an awesome show courtesy of Mother Nature. Blue Planet Material. We found a huge school of Menhaden that were being pushed onto the Beach by dozens of Bottlenosed Dolphins. They were also being dive-bombed from above by a bunch of Pelicans. All of this in 2-4 feet of crystal clear water. The view from the Tower was awesome. The Dolphins were working as a team, some were shearing off small sections of the Menhaden school and herding them offshore to where other Dolphins were ambushing them. It was all taking place right under my bow. As I snapped photos, Chris snagged Menhadens with a stingsilver. All these Menhaden were 1-2 pounders. Nice, fat and full of roe. What a show! Total Catch for the Day: 10 Red Drum, 4 Black Sea Bass, 8 Spiny Dogfish, 2 Sheepsheads, 2 Hogfish, and 20 Menhaden.

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