Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26 Bluefish and Chopper Bluefish

Jason and crew went for a long boat ride today. From 15 miles Southwest of Beaufort Inlet to 15 miles Southeast of Beaufort Inlet, 100 places in-between and 100 miles total! We got off to a slow start looking for Atlantic Bonito, but the last several hours of our day were full of drama and suspense. Throwing Flys and Top Water Plugs, we had multiple chances at Bluefish from 2 to 10 pounds, Red Drum from 8 to 40 pounds, 3-4 pound Pompanos, and Sharks up to 50 pounds. It surely beat practicing fly casting in the back yard. Unfortunately, this afternoon we were plagued by rising SW Winds and Low Tides. To make matters worse, nearly all the fish that we saw were in 1-2 feet of water and were impossible to get to! But we tried. Jason even got out of the Boat and walked in to cast to Chopper Bluefish 2 different times. We pretty much ran over the few Red Drum that we saw and struck out on 3 straight huge Pompano. We didn't really try that hard on the Sharks. The Bluefish got our best shots. Between 4 of us, I guess that we caught around 15 Bluefish up to 8 pounds. We also caught a few bottom fish early while while looking for the absent Bonito. Finally, Jason caught a 25 pound Cownose Ray on 10# spinning on the way home. We also had close encounters with 2 Ocean Sunfish, including a nice 400 pounder. Total Catch for the Day: 15 Bluefish, 1 Cownose Ray, 5 Black Sea Bass, 1 Oyster Toadfish, and 1 Hogfish

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