Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pictures from Hatteras

These pictures are from another wonderfully windy day (aint they all) at Hatteras Inlet. The top picture is the north side of Hatteras Inlet. Great fishing spot, but the NPS has declared it a Bird Sanctuary. The Black-Headed Gull is a Laughing Gull. A sure sign of Spring. The first one showed up at Cedar Island back in March. The very next afternoon there were at least 20 dozen of them flying around! In case you've never heard them, they sound like they really enjoy making their eggs fertile. Laughing the entire time, that's where their name came from! Yep! The last picture pretty much sums up my 2009 season so far! Wind driven salt spray, dirty water, cold, and miserable.


  1. hay capn; how's our friend rouser doing; don't get to see him much anymore; is he still working?

  2. The cat-like Rouser will always land on his feet no matter how far you drop him! I don't know his status at the Museum, but right now he is painting and spinning fishing tales. I think his troubles will be reduced by 2/3s. Hopefully the other 1/3 won't drag him down!

  3. i miss seeing him around...

  4. who is he painting for...or where is he fishing these days...I would love to see him; been worried about him..
