Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22 Bluefish and More Bad Fishing

My first problem was my cast of characters for today's fishing adventure backed out! Then, of course, the Wind kept blowing from the East. Everybody is sick of hearing about the East Wind. So, today's excuse will be called "Ground Swell". What a beautiful day. SE Winds that were lighter than yesterday brought in some cleaner water. We also had a beautiful 4-6 foot Ground Swell that was 8 seconds apart. Hawaii 5-0 stuff. Unfortunately, big Ground Swell never seems to help Inshore Fishing. Today was No Different. Throw that beautiful swell on top of 4 straight days of East Wind and....Why did I even bother to go again. After riding 60 miles yesterday and 50 miles today and I ain't seen a Cobia yet. Combine the 2 days and I could've fished to Hatteras and back. That probably would've been the wise thing to do. Oh well, today was better than yesterday. At least today I caught 3 Bluefish from 5-7 pounds, 3 Black Sea Bass from 10" to 14", and a Pinfish. All the fish were caught on stingsilvers in 50 feet of water. I also played with a nice swarm of big Spadefish, but didn't land any. They were itching to get caught, but Monday's blowout also blew away all the Jellyballs. The big Spades weren't quite hungry enough to eat Squid, but they gave it some long, hard looks. Total Catch for the Day: 3 Bluefish, 3 Black Sea Bass, and 1 Pinfish.

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