Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12 Nothing but Blowing Wind and Spray

Sight Casting for Cobia in 25 knot SW wind and blowing spray is a difficult proposition. Here's how bad it was, a 30 minute Boat Ride from Hatteras Inlet to Diamond Shoals turned into nearly 90 minutes on the return trip. Pure misery. In between there was 7 Cobia opportunities that went awry because of horrible casting conditions. Tossing bucktails to Cobias from a wildly pitching deck, into the wind, with the wind, or across the wind is nearly impossible. Salt water in your eyes doesn't help either. We got shut-out today. If my memory serves me correctly, today was the first time since Oct 24, 2006 that I've gone completely fishless on a Charter! Today was a big challenge and we were very, very close on at least 3 of those Cobias! Too bad because it was a great crew. Total Catch for the Day: Zero

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