Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21 Lots of Bass on Bugs and Frogs

It's been a week since Chris caught that Big Spadefish and I been itching to go fishing. Today I went back to my favorite Urban Waterhole to see what was biting and I was very impressed. The water in this Pond has cleared up alot since the last time I checked it out. There were Bream Beds everywhere and the fish were very aggressive. I know a fly rod ain't my strongest method of fishing and the wind only allowed me to fish about 40% of this small Pond, but it still worked out great. In 90 minutes I caught and released 4 Largemouth Bass and 12 Bluegills on popping bugs. A couple of Bass were 2 pounders, which are decent fish for this Pond. The first Largemouth Bass I caught came from just offshore of 3 Bream Beds and there were 3 other Bass that followed my hooked fish right up to my hand. It was pretty cool in the clear water. **On the early afternoon trip to the same spot, I caught 2 Largemouth Bass, 4 Bluegills, and 1 Pumpkinseed. **On trip #3 (late afternoon) I had the best session yet. I got out my 7 wt Rod and was casting a big popping frog and the action was incredible. Largemouth Bass on 5 of the first 7 casts! 8 Largemouth Bass all together, all in 20 minutes while Meredith sat in the truck fuming. It was absolutely awesome surface smashing strikes on the Frog! I can't imagine having a better time fishing than I had today, even in the Boat. I did hear about a decent King Mackerel bite today. We'll see what tommorrow brings. Total Catch for the Day: 14 Largemouth Bass, 16 Bluegill, and 1 Pumpkinseed (all on Fly tackle)

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