Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 24-28 Missed Bites in Hatteras

So far this week I have fished for Sheepshead, Flounder, and Striped Bass. The main target until last night was Sheepshead. The shift that I'm working is not a good one for Sheepshead. Regardless, early in the week I had my chances. On Wednesday I had a 8-9 pounder do a headstand to eat an Urchin that I had dropped right in front of him. He ate it right in front of my eyes and when I set the hook I felt his weight for 1 second. Ping, and he was gone. The barb never found a soft spot. Sunday afternoon it was the same story. A 8-10 pound Sheepshead ate 3 Urchins in rapid succession and got away with it every time. I had him hooked up one time, but the hook only stuck for about 5 seconds. Also, I have played with a procession of 1-4 pounders that cannot engulf the Urchins that I use for bait. So I'm like 0 for 14 on Sheepshead bites. My success level has been better on Striped Bass. I've seen one, fished for one, and caught one that was 18" and 2 pounds. Now I'm waiting for another one to show up. Saturday night I decided to check out one of my summertime Flounder hang-outs for the first time this summer. The fishing was good until the tide quit running. Very good. Bites as fast as the bait touched bottom. Unfortunately, I only got 40 minutes of good fishing. I caught 6 Flounders and had 5 keepers up to 18". Southern and Summer Flounders both represented. I also made another mistake. Expecting all small fish, I didn't get out the "Dedicated Flounder Combo". Instead I used a light spinning rod with 10# test and it cost me a big Flounder. The last bite of the night was a nice one. I fought a give and take battle with this Flounder for 30 seconds, in 8 feet of water, and I never saw the fish. Finally I lost him under the dock. My instincts say that it was at least a 5 pounder. Sunday night was a little slower, I only had 5 bites and caught 4 Flounders. Total Catch for the Week: 7 Southern Flounder, 3 Summer Flounder, and 1 Striped Bass

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