Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20 Red Drum and Flounder

It's been a pretty hectic stretch of 10-12 days for me and tommorrow I start a new shift up at Hatteras, after that I will be traveling back up to Chapel Hill for a follow-up appointment. Therefore, I will not be able to get back into my Boat until August 30th at the earliest. That will make it 25 days between Fishing Trips (not including Docks and Ponds) My salt water fishing has pretty much ground to a halt. But this afternoon I got a break, had my chores done and my bags packed, and pretty much had nothing to do around 5 pm. I also knew the tide was flooding, which is good in Taylor's Creek. So I went down to the Dock for 30 minutes of Fishing. The Pinfish were too aggressive and that made it difficult, but I did manage a 19" Southern Flounder and a 20" Red Drum. Both of these were caught on white Gulps. I also caught a Hogfish, a Pinfish, and the first Inshore Lizardfish of the season. Yea! I can feel it in the air, the fishing is good. I can't wait to get home next week. I'll be fishing every day, Charter or No Charter! This week at Hatteras should produce some Flounder and Sheepheads for me. It's time to get some momentum headed into the Fall Season. Total Catch for the Day: 1 Red Drum, 1 Southern Flounder, 1 Hogfish, 1 Pinfish, and 1 Inshore Lizardfish

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