Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aug 13 Citation Spanish Mackerel Frenzy

Parker picked a good day to put Top Water Charters back in business. And, I tried to talk him out of it! After driving through Havelock yesterday while 9" of rain fell, I figured Inshore Fishing was shot. I wanted to cancel our trip, but later I learned Beaufort only had 2" and Parker was ready, so we went. What we found was outstanding! It was an EPIC SPANISH MACKEREL EVENT taking place off Cape Lookout. Total numbers of fish that we killed doesn't reflect what was happening, but the size was outstanding. Plus, Parker wanted some variety and I was eager to explore other things, so we didn't stick around for a limit. Unfortunately, the other things didn't pan out to well, but we still had a great day of Fishing. In two hours of Mackerel fishing, the Spanish Mackerel tally was 10 at 5+ pounds, of which 3 were 7+ pounds. 2 more were over 6 pounds. The largest weighed 7 lb 4 oz. This was a pitch a bait 20 feet and wait 10 seconds for a bite situation! In plain view, in mostly clear water! We also found plenty of Bluefish from 2-4 pounds each. We did not locate our Red Drum or Shark that we looked around the Ocean for. We also spent an hour riding out a pretty bad rain, wind, and lightning storm. Total Catch for the Day: 10 Spanish Mackerel (app 60 total pounds), 25 Bluefish, 5 Menhaden, and 1 Inshore Lizardfish


  1. Yessir, good guy too. It was really fun until the lightning started

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