Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aug 6, 8, 9 Hatteras Fishing and Observations

The observations were better than the fishing! Lots of Billfish are being caught off Hatteras. Inshore and Wreck fishing seemed to be good. I saw a 40+ pound African Pompano and a 7+ pound Speckled Trout. All this was great except for somebody that had to go to work at 4:30 am and spend 2-5 hours a day in a 110 degree parking lot getting cussed out by 200-2000 people per day. In other words, this wasn't my favorite shift. Saturated with sweat from head to toe from 5am until 3 pm (shoes, socks and long pants-yuck), while everyone else was catching spectacular fish. Ouch. I did manage to make a few night missions and missed lots of sleep. Total exhaustion and Insomnia were definitely biting and so were the Sheepsheads later in the week. Sunday night they were biting as fast as the Urchin would reach the bottom. The problem was we only had 10 minutes of fishing time and to get to those 10 minutes, I had to commit 2 hours. You know me, the "fishing addict" I doubled up and fished 20 minutes, so I paid the price of giving up 4 hours of sleep. Three nights in a row! Was it worth it? Not from a fishing standpoint. The fishing was tough and the fish were hard to catch into the wind. I rolled the dice looking for a Career Best Sheephead and didn't find one. In the end, I caught 7 Sheepsheads. One was a NC Citation winner at 8 lb 2 oz, the others were 7 lb 12 oz, 7 lb 8 oz, 7 lb 8 oz, 7 lb 4 oz, 6 lb 4 oz, and 4 lb 8 oz. I lost an estimated 13 pounder after a 3 minute tug of war from around a 40 piling cluster. I backed him up to open water, but right before I netted him, the hook popped free of his lip. Ouch, again. Tina also had a smoking Sheephead hooked up that ripped 100 feet of line against a nearly "locked down" drag and broke her off on the same 40 piling cluster. Just like last year, and the year before, the big ones always seem to pop the hook or pop the line on Structure. A fish that I just can't quite master. Maybe that's the attraction. Total Catch for the Week: 7 Sheepsheads up to 8 lb 2 oz

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