Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aug 21, 22, 23 More Hatteras Sheepsheads

The Hatteras Sheepshead Frenzy is winding down. Finally. Also getting up at 4 am was zapping my energy and my fishing effort wasn't as great. I guess it would've been different if I'd been rewarded with a few more bites though. I fished pretty hard for 5 bites and caught 4 fish. Luckily for me, one Sheepshead was my largest of the year at 11 lb 1 oz. I also had another pink slip at 8 lb 5 oz. The other fish weighed 6 lb and 4 lb. The 11 pounder was a ragged old Sheepshead that had seen his better days. He had the length and the head of a 14 pounder, but his stomach was caved in, his tail was half missing, and he had big sections of missing scales and red abrasions all over his flanks. He looked like a banished, defeated King of the Ferry Basin that was looking to die. He really didn't put up much of a fight and he was so big he barely fit in my net. As he came over the rail my heart was pounding because he looked like a career best. He didn't make it though, he was 24oz shy. He just wasn't a healthy fish and he didn't have the usual half pound of shell hash in his belly either. Oh well, I think it's about over and it's Flounder time for me at Hatteras. Maybe next year I can get that breakthrough Sheepshead! Total Catch for the Week: 4 Sheepshead up to 11 lb 1 oz

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