Friday, August 28, 2009

IGFA Line Class World Record Ladyfish stuffed in Pinfish Trap

Okay so I did it again. Two different days back in June, Tony Willis, BJ Swain, and I cleaned several Spadefish that were bigger than the existing NC State Record. My fault. At least Chris Chadwick and I went back and made good on our chance at an easy State Record. Well, 2 nights ago I caught a 4 lb 8 oz Ladyfish on 10# Ande Monofilament. I weighed it on BogaGrip scale that is certified by the IGFA. In other words, it's all in order. Then I cut it up and stuffed it in a Pinfish Trap. Honestly, I didn't mean to kill it, but it got roughed up in the boat and was not in good shape from the Net and De-hooking. Then today I checked the IGFA 2009 Record Book just for the heck of it .....and wouldn't you know that the 12# line class record for Ladyfish stands at 4 lb 0 oz. Another lost chance to get "in the book".


  1. You ladyfish killer, oh my!! Just wait till the Marine Fisheries hears about this....oh wait a minute there ain't no rules on ladyfish (lol).

    Me and my son were gonna go drumin at Cedar tonight too, but knew better also. Gonna get up in the morning and re-evaluate for Saturday nite.

    Is your ole mate peg leg (tubbie) do any better with that foot?


  2. Why aint nobody worried about that poor spider? Tu-Bee's foot is healing because it's been saturated with salt water and whiskey. That poor spider, I can only imagine what happened to him after he drew Blood off THAT!

    Looks like I'm not going to make it to Cedar Island this week.Don't think we've missed a lot. Too many guys "braggin" about 1 or 2 bites. I need it to be a little more busy than that.

