Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sept 13 Sight Casting to Red Drum and Crevalle Jacks

Since I'm fishing with clients tommorrow morning, I needed to go on a scouting mission today. I pretty much knew what I was looking for and I had a good idea where to look! So Chris and I went out to see what we could find. We found the motherlode! Unfortunately, with all the nets in the water, what we found this afternoon could be gone by the morning. Nothing we can do about that, but it sure was fun for us. Fishing on 3 different schools of Red Drum produced 13 Red Drum for Chris and I. These Drum ranged from 25" to 33". We caught them on plastic, metal, and top water plugs. We also caught and released 6 Crevalle Jacks that were rampaging up and down the beach in packs of 10-100 fish. Seeing them from the tower was awesome. I've seen more Crevalle Jacks this year than any year going back to around 1988. They are always a welcome catch on my boat. Hopefully, we will get a whack at some of the 25-30 pounders somewhere in the next month! We saw very few Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish. I did catch a 2 lb Bluefish that was under a bait ball. We also saw none of the Albacore that everybody has been raving about. However, we didn't leave the dock until 2pm and we were back at 5pm. All we did was "catch fish". Total Catch for the Day: 13 Red Drum, 6 Crevalle Jack, and 1 Bluefish

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