Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oct 27 The Navy Ships, Hard Fishing and Bluefish Everywhere

A tough WNW Wind this morning shut down my plan for the Rock Jetty and Cape Lookout Shoals and sent me scrambling for a back-up plan inside Barden's Inlet. Once inside, fishing was poor. I blamed it on a hard falling tide, whatever the reason, fishing was very frustrating this morning. Everywhere we went, Bluefish were on the scene to chomp our live baits. By 10am the wind had fell out and it was off to the Rocks. waiting for us was, of course, more Bluefish. Nearly every cast on nearly every kind of bait. We did manage a Speckled Trout and a Northern Puffer. By noon, we were tired of feeding tackle and Finger Mullets to the Bluefish. Then we ran farther east to look for last weeks Red Drum. All we found was dirty water, Bluefish, and a Southern Stingray. Now was time to push the PANIC Button. All the way back to Radio Island for Bluefish and more Bluefish and a few other small fish. Of course, after my half day charter was over, I returned to Beaufort Inlet and caught plenty more Bluefish and 7 Gray Trout on Speck Rigs. Total Catch for the Day: 60 Bluefish, 7 Gray Trout, 1 Speckled Trout, 2 Hogfish, 8 Pinfish, 1 Gag Grouper and 1 Southern Stingray **2066 Total Fish in 2009**

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