Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nov 24-26 Hatteras Squid Fishing

Night Run at Hatteras in late November gives me 2 different options. Look for Squid all night or rest at night and fish the Beach during the day. I chose the Squid fishing. The first 3 nights produced decent Squid Fishing for short periods of time. The good thing was that the Squid were consistently large ones. Most were in the 12" to 18" range. The biggest Squid was 22". Those are good eating size. I caught 13 Squid on the 24th and 20 Squid on the 26th. I also caught a few Black Sea Bass, but they were hard to land on the barbless Squid Jigs. I also caught a crazy new species for me! A 14" Southern Stargazer. I saw this weird fish that kept swimming around on top under the lights and I bounced my jig off him about 5 times, but he wasn't interested. However, when I dropped a strip of squid in front of him, it was a different story. He slurped it off the surface and a minute later I was trying to figure out how to unhook him. What an impressive fish! Total Catch for the Nights: 33 Squid, 4 Black Sea Bass and 1 Southern Stargazer


  1. you didnt happen to grab a hold of the stargazer did you? i heard they'll shock you. i've caught a few in the WB area, usually around this time of year while trout fishing, but never touched one to find out...

  2. I didn't touch the Gazer. He's the proud owner of a new tongue piercing. They will definitelt shock the piss out of you. Sorry about the duplicate picture.
