Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4 Too Cold for Fishing and The Speckled Trout Die-Off

I'm off to Hatteras tomorrow morning and hopefully being a little closer to the Gulf Stream will warm me up a little bit. I might even scam me a ride out to where the Blackfin Tuna are chewing. Blackfin Tuna on vertical jigs is probably NC's hottest winter time fishery right now. It surely wasn't the 2009-2010 Speckled Trout bite. What was a mediocre season near the Inlets and in the Ocean really got a smackdown yesterday and this morning. For sure North River and Jarrett Bay populations got slammed by the low temperatures and the dip-netters had a bonanza. Lots of 8-10 pound fish and I'd imagine quite a few State Records have been "dipped". Thousands of fish have been carted off to the market, but they were dead or dying anyway. Hopefully some other local populations found some deeper water and survived. Oh well, we weren't exactly having a banner year on rod and reel for Speckled Trout anyway.

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