Saturday, February 6, 2010

What I've Been Doing......

All winter long I've been watching the wind blow at Beaufort and feeling it blow at Hatteras! Right this moment I'm headed across Hatteras Inlet and it's blowing 40kts. I've also been watching it rain in Beaufort and getting soaked at Hatteras. Last night a 10 second sprint across the Ferry Deck was enough to saturate 3 layers of clothes. What I haven't done is GO FISHING. Hopefully, that is about to change. Be positive. Also on a positive note is the fact that I've been on an exercising mission. Doing 60 minutes a day on an Eliptical Machine at both Hatteras and Beaufort. Can't wait to see how long that kick lasts. So far, 41 out of the last 45 days. I'm getting ready for the Bonitos and the Cobias and the Big Drum. Up and Down. Up and Down. The Tower is going to pay off big-time this year!

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