Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7 Albacore Fishing

Albacore Fishing was great today at Cape Lookout. Unfortunately, the brutal SW wind made it our only option. We searched the Shoals inside Cape Lookout Bight and found nothing worth casting to in the clear green water. things are looking up though. The water temperature has risen nicely and it shouldn't be long before lots of fish invade our Inlets. Our plan was to search the Shoals for Red Drum but the weatherman did not cooperate. Thankfully, the Albacore saved the day. Huge schools of the green torpedos were ram feeding into huge masses of tiny bait. They weren't much interested in chasing a bait, but with a good cast and good timing, they were pretty easy to catch. Total Catch for the Day: 7 Albacore

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