Friday, May 28, 2010

May 27 Hatteras Cobia Fishing

Rob and I went out to kill the Cobia this morning. We started out by looking on the western edge of Diamond Shoals. The water was dirty and cold and full of bait. We had another Humpback Whale experience and got close enough to smell his breath! We saw 2 Cobia and a Hammerhead Shark, but we never hooked up. Then we ran down and looked 6-7 miles off Hatteras and found beautiful Blue Water. We also "ran over" 3 Cobia and established what would become the theme for the day. After wasting more time, we ended up off the eastern end of Ocracoke Island and we finally found plenty of fish. The problem was, we kept running over them. Conditions were less than perfect, but today we were just in a bad groove. We ended up catching 3 Cobia. Our largest was a 30 lber. Our other 2 fish were less than 20 pounds. We probably saw 40 Cobia. It was fun, but really disappointing. Is this a personal slump? Bad Karma? I'm ready for it to end! Total Catch for the Day: 3 Cobia up to 30 lbs

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