Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4 Sharks and Rays and Boat Problems

The top picture is of another Dead Whale. What's up with that? Anyway, the Whale's day was worse than mine, barely. This day did not go as planned. I left the dock with a phantom alarm. During the day I developed a real problem. All sorts of electrical problems. The Boat's troubles dictated our day. It was all Bad! By the end of the day, I would call it an interesting catch. No Cobia though and since that was the primary Target Species, it was not a successful day. Jerry caught lots of new things. Three varieties of Shark and two flavors of Ray. The best fish we caught was a 4 foot Bonnethead Shark. The largest thing we caught was a 60 lb Spiny Butterfly Ray. The Boat is officially "broken down" and I almost forgot, I broke a rod on a Stingray. Not a great day! Total Catch for the Day: 2 Blacknose Sharks up to 25lbs, 1 Bonnethead Shark, 3 Sharpnose Sharks, 2 Southern Stingrays, 2 Spiny Butterfly Rays up to 60lbs and 2 Bluefish

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