Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept 20 Easy Albacore Fishing

Finally made it back out today and here is what I found. Huge Ground Swell and Dirty Green Water. No chance at sight casting along the Beaches or on the Shoals. I did find very slow moving and long developing Albacore frenzys a mile off the Beach. These Albacore were very easy to catch. In probably 15 casts I caught 3, while Chris caught 2. We actually only spent about 30 minutes trying, so obviously, it was pretty good. These Albacore were in the 5-7 lb range. That's all we found and we basically went for a nice boat ride. It was good to get going again. Total Catch for the Day: 5 Albacore


  1. Glad to see you fishing again. I think we were all getting worried.

  2. No need to worry just yet. Bookings have been slow and last week off I took a vacation. I haven't done much fishing at Hatteras this summer because of a massive Sea Urchin die-off. Things are about to pick-up.

  3. Sorry for your loss Homeboy!! Those Circle Hooks might keep you hooked up longer!
