Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11 Awesome Bluefishing

What a great day. With a bunch of hardcore, kill em all fishermen. I love it. The only problem was it was 15-18 SW wind and sloppy. The Bluefish motherlode was in 2 feet of water with 4 ft breakers coming up on the stern with a ripping current. Can you say deadly combination..... For the Fish! My guys couldn't move around or stand up too good. Me either. But they flat out slaughtered the 2-5lb Bluefish while I worked the throttle and turned the wheel. It was 5 hours in the washing machine. Every second was an adventure. But, you know what, they didn't seem to mind, the Bluefish looked happy, and I didn't really give a damn. The action was so tense and frantic, I never even pulled my camera out. Sorry guys and girls. Back to Hatteras and Currituck for 10 days of stupidity and sleep! Total Catch for the Day: 75 Bluefish, 1 Pinfish, and 1 Southern Flounder

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