Friday, October 8, 2010

Oct 8 Awesome Red Drum and Bluefish

Great Day of Fishing! Finally! Today was a scouting trip and it was a classic. First of all, the Shoals were matted with 2-5lb Bluefish. It was every cast with metal or top water plugs. the trick was the 4-5 pounders were in the white water. So there was the danger element too! After boxing 12 fat Bluefish and releasing a dozen more, I pulled off that bite and headed home. Then it got really good. Cruising the Shackleford Beach first I found a couple of Red Drum. Then a few singles. then a group of four. Then more singles. At this point, I'd released 4 over the slot. Then I found the motherlode. Probably 500 Red Drum. Out of this school I caught 8 Red Drum from 27" to 34". It was pretty awesome. I think the fishing outlook in the near future is pretty damn good! Total Catch for the Day: 24 Bluefish up to 5 lbs and 12 Red Drum up to 13 lbs

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