Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 8 Speckled Trout Chewing

Today was a cold, breezy day. NW wind was just slack enough for the fishing to be relatively comfortable. Fishing seemed a little slow at the Rock Jetty for the small handful of Boats that were there and the Albacore were nowhere to be seen. So, on  whim, we dropped our hook on the offshore end of the Jetty. We were the "offshore boat" at the Jetty. Things were looking bleak after 3 Bluefish. Then it all changed. Not really sure, but the boats inshore of us looked pretty damn bored. Sometimes when you drop your anchor, you "luck into the right spot" that was us today! Joey and I caught 5o Speckled Trout in the next 90 minutes. We also caught a pair of 3+ pound Gray Trout and 4 Red Drum. The Speckled Trout were all 17" to 19" except maybe 5 that were 13" to 15". It didn't matter, we never had to consider the size limit to get our bag limit. We stuffed the livewell with 2-3 pound Trout and Joey had 58 lbs of Trout out of 22 fish (20 Speckleds and 2 Grays). to take back to Chesapeake with him. Great Fishing. Total Catch for the Day: 50 Speckled Trout, 4 Red Drum, 3 Bluefish and 2 Gray Trout


  1. Finally, Now that would be a great catch Joey and the Specs. That's what I would call a great day of fishing.. Love me some Joey and fishing. xoxox

  2. Hey Marty,

    Glad you made it out and killed the trout.

    Wish we would have been there. Looking forward to another try later this month.


  3. Anon, It was a great day of Fishing. I'll take the Speckled Trout any day, but Joeys all yours, whoever you are!

    Jim, Sorry you couldn't make it. I had a friend in town and I grabbed him and we rolled the dice. It was looking bleak, but we found them.

    Have a great week everybody.
