Thursday, November 11, 2010

Check Out This Awesome Shark

In NC you got your Sharks that aint cool---Sharpnose Sharks and Dogsharks. You got your cool Sharks--Blacktips, Spinners, Blacknoses, Duskys, Silkys, Sandbars, Sand Tigers and Hammerheads. Then you got your Awesome Sharks--Tigers, Makos and Threshers. Then you the KING OF ALL SHARKS--Great Whites..... This week at Hatteras a very large Thresher Shark got caught in a King Mackerel Net. Pretty rare sight in NC, especially at this size. This would've made a nice trophy on rod and reel. Too bad, but what a fish 540 POUNDS! Also, next week when I get home, all I got open is Wed the 17th and Mon the 22nd. Speckled Trout and King Mackerel....

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