Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dec 22 Slower Red Drum Fishing

Right when I think I got something figured out...... A pretty day for fishing and it looked very fishy. However, in the same slough that produced 5-6 bites in 40 minutes yesterday, I got 5-6 bites in 3 hours today. To make matters worse, when I finally caught my first Red Drum of the day, my camera battery went dead. I got one on my cell phone and I got one from yesterday on the camera. I will try to load those pictures soon. Bad weather is headed for Hatteras , so this could be the end...... Well, then I got bored and went back out there and..... I caught 3 Red Drum and a 5 lb Jumping Mullet in 30 minutes. I guess I gave up too early on my first session. Total Catch for the Day: 5 Red Drum and 1 Jumping Mullet    ****2895 Total Fish in 2010****

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