Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 13 Strike Out

Today, I sucked. Fishing outside of my home area is always a challenge. Striped Bass Fishing, on the other hand, is pretty simple. There is one major factor though. Where to fish. Lack of a little timely local knowledge can kill a day. Especially a day when you get up at 3am, drag a boat 170 miles, launch, run 20 miles the wrong way, and finally end up at the right spot at the same time the fleet disperses due to the USCG Cutter, Inflatable, and C-130. The problem with yesterday though, was I was told by 2 different Captains where to go... And I ignored that info and run north up to "the same old place" where we'd been killing them. It was an abysmal plain. A dead zone. So by the time we got in the right spot, it was over. My crew saw lots of Whales, bait marks, and had a nice boat ride. We saw a 45-50 pounder at the boat ramp. What a let down that was.... I am sorry for my blunder. Total Catch for the Day: Nothing

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