Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feb 24 Different but the Same

What a beautiful day on the Ocean. Unfortunately, my client couldn't make it to Hatteras to go Bluefin Tuna fishing and I was already up there so I got a couple of my Ferry Crew members to go with me. Unfortunately, they weren't interested in Tuna and that Red Hot Bite, so we motored up to Oregon Inlet to chase Striped Bass. And chase and chase and chase. To my knowledge, there were NO Striped Bass caught in North Carolina waters on this day. Charlie, Johnny, Blake and I went on an 80 mile boat ride and we had a memorable lunch off Nags Head (self heating MRE). When that's the highlight of a day spent doen't speak well for the fishing.............. Meanwhile, down south at Hatteras, the boys that were Bluefin Tuna fishing were having there own troubles. Giant marks of fish that wouldn't bite so well in the morning. Later in the afternoon when they turned on, they were mostly a larger class of 350+lb Bluefin Tuna that destroyed alot of high priced jigging and spinning tackle. Maybe we did the right thing. At least nothing got destroyed.. but my "good fisherman" reputation with Charlie. Sorry Charlie, we should've went for Tuna.... It would've seemed the anglers fault, not the Captains! Total Catch for the Day (and Month): Nothing

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