Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8 Bluefish Slaughter

Really pretty day, my only complaint was the water on the Cape Lookout Shoals was a little dirty. From the Tower, we could see bottom good in 3-4 foot of water. And there was nothing to see. So, Mark, Scott, Justine and I had passed up a slow bite at the Rock Jetty to go scour the Shoals, and there was nothing to scour! So I took a chance and ran to a wreck about 6 miles farther to the east. Its a small wreck and it took a couple of minutes to find, but when we found it, we found Bluefish stacked up 50 feet. It was every drop, every rod. Killer fishing. I caught 1 Black Sea Bass and that was it for variety. Justine reported a Shark followed up one of her Bluefish. Other than that, nothing but 1-2 lb Bluefish. Damn, I forgot. On the way home we found many, many schools of Albacore lined up and plowing into schools of redbait. My first cast, I caught a 10 pounder. Fifty casts later, for Mark and I, we gave up without getting another strike!! Total Catch for the Day: 100 Bluefish, 1 Albacore and 1 Black Sea Bass  

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