Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5 Cool Sharks and Cold Cobia

I can't find a damn Cobia. This morning was windy and cold and the damndest thing was happening off Atlantic Beach.... Thresher Sharks were crushing Butterfish and the action was certainly easy enough to find and fishing was simple. Landing them was a little tougher. Josh had one escape off the gaff, a nice 100 lb Thresher Shark. Korey and I each got our hands on a Thresher Shark. Mine was around 35 lbs and Koreys was close to 42 lbs. Sweet double on the fish that turned Hoopers inboard into an outboard.... Love those JAWS references!!!!!. Much later we found a nice Hammerhead Shark that Korey sightcasted a bucktail with a Mackerel strip in the direction of... He went for it and a few minutes later we were releasing a beautiful 40 lb Hammerhead Shark. Another great thing was the Spanish Mackerel showed up big time. Easy casting with metal, the boys caught 25 in 40 minutes with about 25 Bluefish as well. The Spanish were nice ones, mostly between 1-2 lbs. The Bluefish were from 8" to 2 lbs. We also caught some other things.... Absent once again were the Cobia. I'm hearing some reports, but hte Top Water Boat is striking out. This must end... Tomorrow... Total Catch for the Day: 3 Thresher Sharks, 1 Hammerhead Shark, 1 At Sharpnose Shark, 25 Spanish Mackerel, 25 Bluefish, 10 Black Sea Bass, and 3 Spottail Pinfish

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