Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flounder and Oyster Toadfish

There is a "crab bloom" happening at South Dock over on the North end of Ocracoke Island. Thousands of Blue Crabs from mature females to babys the size of dimes are everywhere. Oyster Toadfish must love them. Last night I set a personal one day record of 18 Oyster Toadfish. Between the Blue Crabs and Toadfish, Flounder fishing is nearly impossible. The past two nights, I have caught a few Finger Mullet to supplement the Silversides that I've been using for bait. That has helped the Flounder count. I am also starting to collect a very nice bag of Flounder filets and a huge bag of cleaned Blue Crabs. My momma will be happy when I get home. All you can eat Blue Crabs. My Dad, not so happy. Total Catch for 2 Nights: 5 Southern Flounder up to 17", 3 Summer Flounder up to 16", 27 Oyster Toadfish up to 3 lbs, and 1 Black Sea Bass


  1. Marty,

    This thread is worthless without pictures, and I'm not talking about of the fish!

  2. Im working on it, trust me. Coming soon I hope.

  3. It's kinda like pumping the bait to catch those big red drum. If you need my help, just let me know.
