Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 15 Blow Baby Blow

5 -10 west winds and 1-2 foot seas forecasted....,. And at 8 am when we cleared the Cape Lookout Shoals we were looking into 15-18 kt NE winds and 3 foot wind chop mixed with 4 foot ground swell. Great. My entire 3 progged plan of attack centered on fishing in this direction. After a long thought process and discussion, we rolled the dice that #1 it was a early on a long full day trip and #2 things could change rapidly if the wind fell out.... So the first several hours consisted of a rough and dangerous search of the Shoals that resulted in NOTHING and a very tough job of fishing a Wreck in heavy seas and high winds. The Wreck fishing yielded 3 big fish lost in structure and a decent sized fish lost to a mystery cut-off. Barracuda? Raised steel? We'll never know. We left this spot after lunch time with probably 20 Black Sea Bass, 4 of which were 3 pounds each. So after another meeting, we headed for another Wreck 4 miles north. Once we got there, the wind and current was less and 2 things were obviously in large supply. Spadefish and Sand Tigers. At first glance, the Spadefish were gonna chew and we were smart enough to pick up Spadefish bait that morning. Toss out a Jellyball and they would boil on it. DAY SAVERS! However, the wind made casting light baits impossible and sea/current would set us directly in the Spadefish schools in a matter of seconds. We tried every angle and every approach. Nothing would work. All we could do was watch them eat and when we presented our baits, feeding would stop. I couldn't believe it. The day was turning from bad to disasterous. Making matter worse was the curious habit the Sand Tiger Sharks, big ones at 100+ pounds each, had of rising off the bottom and swimming to the boat and them diving back to the bottom. Daisy chains of them. And them sumbitches wouldn't bite either! We even sacrificed a 3 lb Sea Bass for bait. Nothing would bite. Period. We ended up a rotten day with a an hour of bait fishing inside the Cape Lookout Bight fishing with inferior bait (peanut Shad) and caught a few Dogsharks, Sharpnose Sharks, and Southern Stingrays. The highlight (lowlight) was a 30 lb Cownose Ray that Brad fought after purposely snagging on the Shoals. Worst day ever, mostly because Brad, 2 days out of Afghanistan, and I really wanted to make it happen for him..... Total Catch for the Day: 20 Black Sea Bass up to 3 lbs, 1 Cownose Ray, 3 Smooth Dogfish, 1 Sharpnose Shark, and 2 Southern Stingrays

1 comment:

  1. Every Dog has his Day. Yours will be next time. Keep fishing. You been up and down like the Stock Market. You due for an upturn.
