Monday, August 15, 2011

Aug 14 Cedar Island Wind, Lightning, and Waterspouts

Bad news. I pushed this trip back a day to take advantage of SW wind. The guys that fished Friday night got beat up by the East wind, but they caught a few fish.... So Sat Nite was looking good. Nice 10 kt SW wind. But, as we arrived at the boat ramp a dark cloud was coming. We sat out the first rain in our trucks. An hour later, we scrambled. We anchored up and started fishing with rain and lightning in the vicinity. The pressure gradient turned the warm SW wind into a cold NE wind. It was rough. The very thing I tried to avoid. Two differences though, the fish were not biting and there were big storms all around. We stuck it out for 3 hours. Missed a Monster Shark and caught a Bluefish.... Then as I stared west into absolute darkness, a bolt of lightning lit the sky behind us.... And clearly illuminated was a monster waterspout and it was on not too far away! I tried to deny it... I told Mark to watch the western sky and wait for lightning.... Seconds later a serious groundstroke to the west. I said what did you see. Mark said, "A Tornado!" Goodbye fishing grounds... Not in the Dark! We hauled it to the boat ramp. I drove back to Beaufort in driving wind and rain and amazing lightning... My fault guys, we should've caught them Friday night and stayed home saturday.... Captain Failure...Total Catch for the Night: 1 Bluefish

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