Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept 10 Part 2 Cedar Island Red Drum Chewing

Fishing all day in the Atlantic Ocean sucked. I beat my head against a wall all day. I also knew the Drum bite had been pretty good in the Sound/River. So even though I was pretty tired I decided to go for it. I also knew that come Monday, I will be headed back to Manteo for 7 more days of the Stumpy Point-Rodanthe Ferry. So this is pretty much it for my Giant Red Drum window. Its about to close, so I'm in panic mode. With 2 friends close by that had been itching to go, we got a late start and by 900 we were set up. By 945 it was looking good. By 11 it was an epic chew. By 130am, it was over. Started with 5 rods, ended up everybody holding a rod and fishing 3 rods total. Non-stop action. Dan and Tom each had 10 releases. I had 9 releases. I had a 50 pound Red Drum on the Boga Grip. The smallest Red Drum was around 40 pounds. Awesome fishing. Best I've seen in 4 years, but I missed it last year while doing something stupid. Can I do that one over. Sorry, all pics on Cell Phone, I will work on getting them transferred. Total Catch for the Day: 29 Red Drum up to 50 lbs

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