Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oct 19 Rain and Wind Report

We fished today in absolutely horrible conditions. Pouring Rain. Wind that spin around the compass from SW to NE and back to SE. The wind blew 20 kts from the SW, then became light SE, then it blew 30 kt NE, finally it settled back to 20 kt from the SE when I pulled up the boat... The fish didn't know what to think. We fished 3 places and the fishing was across the board poor. We did, as predicted, catch a high volume of small fish. The top catches were a 17" Speckled Trout, 3 Northern Puffers, a baby Gag Grouper, and a Clearnosed Skate.... That top fish list tells the tale on this day. We should've stayed home! But, it was still fun! Total Catch for the Day: 25 Pinfish, 25 Hogfish, 3 Speckled Trout, 3 Bluefish, 1 Spot, 3 Sand Perch, 10 Black Sea Bass, 1 Gag Grouper, 1 Spottail Pinfish, 1 Clearnosed Skate, and 1 Oyster Toadfish

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