Friday, November 18, 2011

Nov 18 Nearly Every Cast Speckled Trout

Seeing that I could care less. Let the secret out..... Anybody. Anybody that wants to catch all the Speckled Trout in the world, walk out to Radio Island on a falling tide and start catching them, ok! This afternoon, I fished for 90 minutes and released 75 Speckled Trout. I had a 15 straight cast streak. Missed a cast. Then I had a 12 staright cast streak. That's 27 Speckled Trout in 28 casts. I never went more than 4 casts without a bite. The vast majority of these fish were 12" to 13". But there were a few 14" Speckled Trout in the mix today. I caught all my fish on a simple green rub and green jighead today. Toss in 1 Bluefish for variety. I also saw No. Puffers, Black Drum, and Hogfish by the bait fishermen. Total Catch for the Day: 75 Speckled Trout and 1 Bluefish

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