Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nov 6 Great Speckled Trout Fishing

Today we went looking for Albacore. The wind was blowing out of the north at 20+ kts. Korey said "Do I need rain bibs?"  I said "I dont have any on, and I don't plan to wet myself, so no, you don't need them" With that comment, Albacore fishing went out the window! A quarter mile off the Beach and blowing spray would soak you. And freeze you. And there were NO Albacore along the Beach.... Facing a shutout, we went to the Cape Lookout Rock Jetty with low expectations. Cold wind and dirty water. But, the tide was rising and it was fishable. What we found was a fisherman's wonderland. Every cast to every three casts, we would catch a Speckled Trout. For an hour, they were all too small. In the next hour, they turned into 17" to 21" Speckled Trout. Grubs and Mirrorlures, it made no difference. The largest Trout of the day was my 3 lb 8 oz Speckled Trout. Korey caught one Bluefish. We only fished a couple of hours. We saw no Albacore anywhere. We saw the best Speckled Trout fishing of the year. Total Catch for the Day: 120 Speckled Trout up to 3 lb 8oz and 1 Bluefish

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