Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Once again, I am very sorry about the lack of fishing reports! In all honesty, there has been a lot of other things going on. Christmas and lack of interest in fishing charters have made combined to keep me off the water for another week.. Now I'm back up at Cape Hatteras and I am working another night shift. Pretty much, its just like last week. On the Hatteras side, I caught 17 Squid and they were very small ones. Just right for bait. Late last night, I caught a Toad and a Sea Bass and I gave up. After firing up the Ferry at 430am, I took one last look over the rail at 455 and there swam the fish of my dreams (right now). A 6-8 lb Tautog was chasing and pinning Crabs against a piling. I watched in a stupor for a few seconds... With traffic coming aboard, I snapped out of my trance and ran to my truck and grabbed my rod and a Squid. With a minute before time to leave, I got back to the spot and Mr Tog was gone.. Dammit. Why do I feel that fish was symbolic of my entire life? Tonight I will try to get him, but the weather is worse and my odds are poor. Wish me luck! Total Catch for the Night: 17 Squid, 1 Black Sea Bass, and 1 Oyster Toadfish