Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dec 29 Beautiful Weather and Lots of Dogsharks

Stephen and I fished together on July 4th. It was rough as a cob and I tried to talk him out of it. But he had come all the way from Syracuse, NY and he came to fish. So we went and Stephen caught a pile of Bluefish and a 125 lb Blacktip Shark. So today was going to be much different. In good ways and bad! Fishing early was a struggle. Fishing late was a struggle. Watching wildlife was spectacular. Blue Planet material. Gannets, Loons, Scoters, Gulls, and Terns by the hundred. Bottlenosed Dolphin, of all sizes, everywhere we went. Hundreds of them. And one, maybe two Humpback Whales. The one whale stayed in our area for over an hour. Acres of Menhaden were definitely feeding the Blue Planet today... What about the fishing? The Cape Lookout Rock Jetty sucked. The Cape Lookout Shoals sucked. AR 315 sucked. Rouse's Slough sucked. In the middle of all that, we jigged up 15 Spiny Dogfish on speck rigs in 55 ft of water off Cape Lookout as our friendly Whale circled. My apologys to Stephen for the poor fishing. Last time I was apologizing about the weather. Next time we are due for a perfect day. Total Catch for the Day: 15 Spiny Dogfish up to 10 lbs and 1 Black Sea Bass

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