Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11 Steady Hickory Shad

I woke up this morning to a new world. The back pain that ruled every second of my life for the past 26 days had let up and the gray dreary world that surrounded my heart since Dec 19th had brightened. I can't explain that one.... Those that know me best, know exactly what I'm talking about. Not sure WHY or HOW, but it is what it is.... The best part of my day was that Mr Merwin Jones and I were set to go to Pitch Kettle Creek this morning. It was NOT A MISTAKE... It was a cold morning, but it gave way to a bright sunny, warm day. The fishing was inconsistent, but at the end of the day, It was great! The best thing about today's catch, in addition to the numbers, was the size. Today's Hickory Shad were consistently large. The biggest Shad, lots of 14" to 18", that I've consistently caught in a few years. The largest Hickory Shad I weighed on my certified scales was 2lb 3oz, there might have been a couple that were a few ounces larger. There were 14 fish that were all bookends. We released several of the larger fish since they were males. By NCWRC standards we caught 14 Citation winning Hickory Shad. That's rocking! The Hickory Shad were equal opportunity slammers today. The smacked the spoon and the grub pretty equally. I also got my first doubleheader in probably 3 years. Lots of big Roe laden females today pushing and topping 2 lbs each. Great Day. Total Catch for the Day: 80 Hickory Shad up to 2 lb 3 oz 


  1. Glad your back is doing.better.

  2. Thanks. Thanks to all those who made me feel better. Thanks to Mr Tuggy Sr. Michael Snaer. Mr & Mrs Hickory Shad. Sorry about your luck, Ms Shad.

  3. Tied up to that very same tree on saturday and didn't even get a sniff. Fished around the area for about 3 hours and saw 2 shad caught between 8 boats. I guess a day makes all the difference in the world...

  4. I heard saturday afternoon was epic. Maybe the best fishing was "up the creek".... But yeah, every day is different. Even every hour. Hell, every 5 minutes. Its a River! Water going one way. Fish going the opposite. Lots of things have to come together. When they fill that Swamp to the west, fishing gets easy!

  5. What's up with the gray dreary world brightening?

  6. I woke up. Literally and Figuratively. That's what.
