Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24 Beaufort Freshwater Grand Slam on Fly

Freshwater Fly Rod action in Beaufort is fast and furious this morning, all on popping bugs.... If you don't mind small fish and I don't.... Im just glad that my back is allowing this today! My best fish of the day was a 14" Largemouth Bass that I caught and then discovered a dead battery in my camera. I ran in for lunch and a new battery and caught another slam and got the pictures for proof...... WOW! Anyway, I do love those Bass and Pumpkinseeds on the 3 wt fly rod. There was lots of surface activity this morning and I'd get 4-5 strikes on every cast. Needless to say, it was good day to be an amateur fly caster! Total Catch for the Day (so far): 28 Bluegill, 4 Pumpkinseed, and 3 Largemouth Bass

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